Day 1

>> Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 1 has been an exciting day for everyone--getting back into the boats, seeing old friends and making new ones, and meeting new coaches. But mostly its been HOT. 105 heat index, lots of humidity.

Please make sure your child comes all sunscreened up and armed with lots of water!

The first opti event of the year will be this Friday, an Interclub at MRYC. Our sailors in opti Red, WHite, and Blue will be participating, more details to come...



>> Friday, June 25, 2010

When the NJ State championship was abruptly postponed a day before racing began, lots of families and juniors felt a little disappointed not to sail in the blustery westerlies. So we made it happen with a spur of the moment, free regatta open to all. Thanks to Brian Hull for helping get GSOT, MCYC, MYC, and SSYC involved with us on this.


Welcome Back!

>> Monday, June 21, 2010

The summer is about to get started, and we're gearing up here at the Merrick Center... you should too! Sailing program is just a week away, and there's plenty to do. Registration for popular regattas are already getting full, so hit up the BBYRA Calendar and register your juniors now! The Powder Puff Regatta is nearly at capacity, so if you haven't registered your daughter for this girls-only favorite event of the summer, do it NOW! The Junior Olympics at IHYC, the LYC Opti Regatta, and the No Tears Regatta for beginners are also popular events that fill up fast.

The Program Parents Meeting will be on Sunday the 27th of June at 6pm. There you'll meet our coaching staff and learn about each group's summer lesson plans and goals.


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