A Opti Point Races

>> Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Today provided a more manageable 12-15 knots vs. yesterdays steady 18 with 25 knot puffs. We were able to get all of the opti As out for their first round of Point Races, sailing three races on a big trapezoid course. Brooke Naylor won the day, with Addie Sellig in a close second. The complete scores are posted in the Merrick Center and can also be viewed here.

We also got some photos of the kids is some breeze--a few 420 and Opti B shots, but mostly photos from the Opti A Point Race course. You can view them at our Flickr Page.


First Day

>> Monday, June 25, 2012

This was the radar a little after 9am... not the ideal day to start program weather-wise! But we got to see a pretty sweet-looking front pass over the club with lots of rain, and once it passed got to shake the dust out the rigs...


Summer 2012 coming soon!

>> Monday, June 11, 2012

The BHYC sailing program is only a few short weeks away, and we're all exited to get started! We've once again hired a fantastic coaching staff, with both new talent and returning veterans. The Jr. Sailing Director is in the office and working to get the program and staff ready to go. If you have any questions, give him a call at the club (ext. 238 for the Merrick Center) or, better yet, send an email to bhycjrsailing@gmail.com.


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