Lavallette Team Race Results

>> Monday, July 14, 2014

Bay Head YC has another successful venture down in Lavallette, coming in 1st and 2nd in the 420 class. Our Laser team also had a great day despite going there with some brand new Laser sailors, coming out with a winning 3-2 record. Congrats to all!


Regatta Results from Last Week

Last week was a good one for the program, as two of the more popular events saw us do quite well. Conditions couldn't have been better, and the kids performed well... not only sailing fast, but focusing on improving, having fun, andrepresenting the club on the water and ashore. We were the most consistent club on the podium, too! Here are some highlights:

Ironman Regatta at SAYC (scores aren't posted online yet)
Green Fleet 1st, 2nd, 6th Will Millar, Charlie Sarlund, Patten Royal respectively.
Fritz Sellig win blue, Chase Millar 10th.

Powder Puff Regatta at MCYC:
2 in top 5 Greenie (Marnie Todd and Sarah Huneke)
Five in top 10 in White Fleet, including 2nd (Grace Denious) and 3rd (Pilar Cundey)
BHYC members the Burn sisters 1st, 2nd in Red
Colleen O'Brien 1st in Blue
Brooke Naylor & Eliza Denious 2nd, Addie Sellig & Grace Kellog 3rd in 420
Full Powder Puff Results at this link

Thanks Mrs. Blundin for the great shirts and the photo!


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