Parent F.A.Q.s

>> Thursday, May 28, 2009

Answers to some Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What about private instruction?

Private instruction is available by the BHYC junior sailing staff (while they are OFF club hours) as well as by experienced junior sailors who are club members. Private instruction is available to all sailors and is to be arranged between the parent/grandparent and the instructor. Instructors available for “privates” will be posted in the Merrick Center. Payment is to be arranged between parent/grandparent and instructor. A fee may NOT be charged to your account. Club owned boats may be used for private instruction based on availability and the advance approval of the Director of Junior Sailing. The junior sailing committee is not responsible for arranging private instruction.

2. What if my sailor’s boat is damaged during instruction/practice?
The BHYC practices the 50/50 NO FAULT rule. This means the sailors involved are equally responsible for payment of the damage incurred regardless of fault. All damages are to be reported immediately by the sailors to the instructor and the Director of Junior Sailing. Parents will be notified by the instructor.

3. What do I do if I have a billing discrepancy?
Please contact the club office with all billing discrepancies. The Jr. Sailing Chairmen are not responsible for billing matters.

4. Can my sailor participate in off site regattas if he/she is not enrolled in the program for the session in which the regatta takes place?
The sailor may not participate with the BHYC “team” unless he/she is enrolled in the program. However, all regattas on Barnegat Bay are open to the public if properly registered. Transportation of the boat and child as well as supervision/coaching is the responsibility of the parent.

5. What should my child bring each day?
Please send proper footwear, water bottle(s), lifejacket (with whistle), sneakers for the advanced sailors and a lunch, if necessary. Please make sure that they are wearing sunscreen and have more to reapply. If they are attending a regatta, please send a change of clothes, MORE THAN ONE WATER and some healthy snacks.

6. Can program fees be prorated? Can boat user fees be prorated?
No. If you cannot make the whole month program, you may participate for the amount of time that you are able, but you will be charged the entire session fee. There will be NO prorating of session fees or boat user fees.

7. Communication/Calendar:
We are communicating primarily through email and this blog. If you have questions, first speak to your child’s Coach, then John Petrillo. The Junior Sailing Chairmen and the sailing committee are not going to be able to answer your questions regarding day to day plans. Please see the Jr. Sailing page on the BHYC website for the most up to date calendar. Within the calendar, you can access information regarding regattas, including most registration forms. The BBYRA website calendar is another good resource for the summer's regatta schedule, information, and registration.

8. Regatta Registrations:
YOU are responsible to complete and submit any registrations for regattas for your sailor. You may access most forms through our website in the calendar section or the BBYRA's website and calendar. If you are unsure whether your sailor is going to participate, please check with the coach or review the list of recommended regattas in the registration packet. Please be cognizant of the deadlines. Many of the regatta registrations close with a maximum amount of boats, SO THE EARLIER THE BETTER.

9. Club Boat Use for Optimists and 420s:
OPTIMIST sailors may use a club boat ONLY for their first summer (or month if they only come for part of the summer). This is intended for their Greenie summer only. After that, they must own their own optimist.

420 Sailors: We recommend that 420 sailors (both racing and recreational) own their own boat (or share the cost with the crew), especially after their first summer.

The club owns a number of optimists and some 420’s for the members’ use throughout the summer. These boats are not for the sole use of any one sailor, but are to be equally shared by sailors that are in need that particular summer and a Boat User Agreement must be signed and the respective fee paid.

10. Lunch Hour
Please note that the coaches are not responsible for the children during the lunch hour or after program hours. Please remind the children to clean up after themselves either at the snack bar or at the Merrick Center


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