New Flip Video Camera!

>> Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Program has just acquired a new flip video camera! We'll be using it to document the program and as a coaching tool to improve our sailors' performance. Here's a quick video of the advanced opti group's reflections after a windy day of practice...


Kickoff BBQ Tonight!

THe BBQ picnic will be at 5pm at the Merrick Center. There has been a bit of confusion with the times, as the club's calendar on the website states a 6pm start, but a member-wide email has it starting at 5pm. Hope to see you all there!


First Day!

>> Monday, June 29, 2009

What a gorgeous day we had for the start of program! Steady westerlies and plenty of sunshine set the tone for a fantastic summer.

Some reminders:

Register your kids as early as possible for some critical regattas--Girls should register for the Powder Puff on July 10th ASAP, as should the guys for the Ironman a day earlier. Both fill up quickly, so lets got on top of registration.

Greenies should register for TRYC's No Tears Regatta and the Rookie Regatta as soon as possible. These are capped events, and fill up fast even though they take place towards the end of the summer.

If you have any questions about these regattas or any others, please let me know. If you are not sure which regattas to register for, you can contact me or ask your child's coach if they should be registered. You can access the BBYRA Calendar, which has all of the regattas and their forms, at the above link.

Be sure to attend the BHYC Jr. Sailing and Jr. Tennis BBQ tomorrow, Tuesday the 30th at 5pm.

If you have any other questions or concerns about the program and your child's participation in it, please do not hesitate to ask me. I can be reaches at or come down to the club for a visit.

John Petrillo


What Time Does Program Start?

>> Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Basin Bandits: Tuesdays and Thursdays 1pm - 3pm

Greenies: Monday to Friday mornings 8:30 - 11:45

Intermediates: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings 8:30 - 11:45 AND Wednesdays all day 8:30 to 3pm.

Skills & Thrills: Monday - Thursday afternoons 1 - 4

Opti B: Monday - Thursday 8:30 - 3, Friday 8:30 - 12

Advanced Opti: Monday - Friday 9 - 4

420s and Lasers: Monday - Friday 9:30 - 4


2009 Coaching Staff

>> Thursday, June 18, 2009

We've got a talented group of coaches for the 2009 season, and we can't wait to get started!

Returning from last summer are Katie Wight and Marty Masterson, who will be working with the B Optis, Meredith McCoid and Stephanie Seggel with the Intermediate Optis, Caroline Patten will be coaching our 420's and Royce Weber returns as our Laser coach.

We also have a lot of new faces coming to town...

Austen Anderson, of Northport, NY, will be working with our advanced optis. He just completed his freshman year at HWS where he is a member of the varsity sailing team. He is an accomplished opti sailor, having won the 2004 Team Trials and Nationals, 2nd at North Americans, and 20th at Worlds. He has competed in 420s, 29ers, V15s, and is currently working on a 49er campaign.

Ian Donahue will also be an advanced opti coach. He grew up sailing on LBI and has 3 years of coaching experience, most recently at BBYC. He just completed his freshman year at BC where he competes on the varsity sailing team. His opti resume is also very impressive: 3 top 20 finished at nationals (3rd in 2003), 2003 NA team member, and 2004 New England Champion.

Colleen Kelly will be our new Greenie Director. She grew up sailing at MCYC, and is very active in the E-scow fleet. She sailed on the varsity team at Washington College, and in earning her graduate degree in nursing at U. of Maryland. She has years of coaching experience, and was the co-head coach at LYC last summer.

Ashley Brown and Rebecca Conti will be working with Colleen as greenie coaches. Ashley is from Wall Township, and is a competitive swimmer at Wall HS. She grew us sailing at MRYC and enjoys racing M-scows and 420s. Rebecca is from Montclair and Matoloking, and is a freshman at UVA's School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. She competes on the sailing team and also the equestrian team at UVA, and grew up sailing at MYC.

Holly Huffine joins us from Jamestown, RI, and grew up sailing out of Conanicut YC, where she has also coached for the last 2 summers. She is a sophomore at HWS and is a member of their varsity sailing team. She'll be working with our B-optis this summer.

Matt Schon grew up sailing at MCYC, and is a very competitive Lightning sailor. He just completed his sophomore year at Salve Regina U. in Newport, RI, where he is a member of the varsity sailing team. His impressive results include 4th at 420 Nationals and 3rd in Lightning Jr. Worlds.

We're all excited to get out on the water and have a great summer!


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