First Day!

>> Monday, June 29, 2009

What a gorgeous day we had for the start of program! Steady westerlies and plenty of sunshine set the tone for a fantastic summer.

Some reminders:

Register your kids as early as possible for some critical regattas--Girls should register for the Powder Puff on July 10th ASAP, as should the guys for the Ironman a day earlier. Both fill up quickly, so lets got on top of registration.

Greenies should register for TRYC's No Tears Regatta and the Rookie Regatta as soon as possible. These are capped events, and fill up fast even though they take place towards the end of the summer.

If you have any questions about these regattas or any others, please let me know. If you are not sure which regattas to register for, you can contact me or ask your child's coach if they should be registered. You can access the BBYRA Calendar, which has all of the regattas and their forms, at the above link.

Be sure to attend the BHYC Jr. Sailing and Jr. Tennis BBQ tomorrow, Tuesday the 30th at 5pm.

If you have any other questions or concerns about the program and your child's participation in it, please do not hesitate to ask me. I can be reaches at or come down to the club for a visit.

John Petrillo


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