Upcoming Events

>> Monday, July 2, 2012

  • Monday the 9th at BHYC: Midget eliminations. This is a ladder event, meaning the winners (top 2 I believe) go on to compete against qualifying sailors from other Yacht Racing Associations from around the mid-Atlantic. We're hosting, and registration is $10 and registration forms can be handed in the day-of the regatta. registration starts at 8:30, competitor's meeting at 9am, and first warning on the water at 10am. Lunches are not included, so bring a lunch. Any sailor in an Opti or 420 who will NOT turn 15 or older in 2012 can compete. Our entire Opti A group will participate in this event.
  • Tuesday the 10th is an Opti Interclub at MYC. We'll be sailing or towing the boats over there in the morning, so it'll be an early start. You will need to bring lunches to this event. The start times are not yet online (so more details to come), but registration is free and day-of. Opti A & B will participate.
  • Thursday the 12th is the Ironman Regatta at SAYC, a boys-only event. Our Opti, Laser, and 420 boys will be competing in this event. Optis will require trailering--If you can take your child's boat to Shore Acres, please do so as club trailer space will be reserved for our youngest sailors. 420s and Lasers, the coaches will be speaking with the kids about towing or sailing down to SAYC. If you have not done so already, please register your son as soon as possible!
  • Friday the 13th (really?) is the Powder Puff Regatta at MCYC, a girls-only event. All of our Opti A & B and 420 girls will be participating. Registration is now CLOSED, and has been for months--I will be receiving a list of all BHYC registrants in the next day and will post it on the blog so everyone can verify their status. We will be sailing to this event on the morning of the 13th, and we want to get there early to register, as its kind of a circus over there for this event. We want to have the boats rigged, ready to go and leaving the dock by 8am sharp, so be here nice and early.
The following week is a busy one as well, with the Lavallette Team Race and Opti Regattas and a 420 / Laser Interclub. The LYC Opti Regatta fills up quickly, so if you haven't registered yet please do so! See the BBYRA Jr Sailing Calendar for more details on all of these events.


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