Ironman / Powder Puff Week

>> Thursday, July 8, 2010

This week's events are the ever-popular Ironman and Powder Puff, where the boys and girls race in their very own regattas. Today's Ironman started off light and variable, but the afternoon provided some sunshine and steady breeze. Our boys fared well, no doubt spurred on by the great support from the girls that showed up to cheer them on... and throw water balloons! No doubt the boys will be in a mood to show similar, if not greater, support for the girls in tomorrow's Powder Puff regatta.

Much thanks to Jen Cunningham for emailing the above picture of the Intermediate opti group getting a little pep talk from Meredith at lunch during the Ironman. If you ever have shots that you want on this blog, or posted on our online flickr photo page, just email them to


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