Weekly Update

>> Monday, July 12, 2010

Plenty going on in another busy week! Coming up: Interclub, Barclay Cup, and the 1st annual Gear Exchange, with the LYC Team Race and Opti Regattas next week.

There are some new photos up on our Flick Photos Page from the Ironman and Powder Puff regattas, some of which were emailed to us from parents. You can also view the results from those two regattas at the BBYRA website. Some notables: Carolyn Corbet 3rd, Brooke Naylor 7th, Taylor Gavula 8th, EE Mignon 9th, and Meg Vreeland 10th overall at the Powder Puff out of 121 boats, while Liz Tell and Katherine Naylor from our travel 420 team BFAST won the 420 division. Field Dougherty finished 10th overall at Ironman out of 100 boats, with three other BHYC sailors Clayton Wright (14), Grant Baumer (16), and Max Cool (20) finishing in the top 20 overall.


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