Week 2 Notes

>> Tuesday, July 5, 2011

We have two regattas this week, the Ironman for boys on Thursday and the Powder Puff for girls on Friday.

Ironman: We will be trailering optis to Shore Acres on Thursday morning, which means we'll set them up after program tomorrow. Our Intermediate boys (sailing in green fleet) will have priority on the club trailer, which should leave us with a few open slots. If you need one, please let me know. The boys that are going down to Ironman should be at Shore Acres, rigged and ready to go by 9am to meet with their coaches before the 9:30 skipper's meeting. Here's a link to the Notice of Race (NOR) and registration if you still need it.

Powder Puff: For our girls that are registered, we'll be sailing to this event just down the river. We're going to have them get to BHYC early and be rigged and ready to sail or tow by 7:30am. Its a zoo over there with registration, so we want to be through the lines and checked in by 9am so our sailors can meet with their coaches before the 9:30 skippers meeting. Here's the NOR for more info.

The Junior Olympics Mid-Atlantic Festival at IHYC is filling up fast and will cap out pretty soon--register you child ASAP if you haven't already. All our A and B optis should register, as well as 420s. Our Intermediates can also register, but would consult with their coach first. Here's a link to the site, where you can find the NOR, registration, and a list of registrants.


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