BHYC Wins Barclay Cup!

>> Monday, July 20, 2009

Congratulations to both teams of opti sailors that traveled to LEHYC for the Barclay Cup last Friday. This prestigious team racing event is meant “To promote club loyalty and encourage sailing among young sailors,” and has been competed for each year since 1928. Bay Head YC and SSYC went at it for the second year in a row, dominating the field in the early rounds. Our two BHYC teams met in the semis, as did both SSYC teams on the other side of the bracket. The team of Will Johnson, Carolyn Corbet, and EE Mignon (in blue) won the championship, and the team of Taylor Gavula, Katie Westrum and Field Dougherty (in gold) won the race for 3rd place. Congratulations to all of our sailors and their coach Austen Anderson who represented Bay Head so well!


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