Tomorrow's Powder Puff

>> Thursday, July 9, 2009

Girls heading to the Powder Puff tomorrow should plan on being at the club, rigged and ready, by 8am sharp! We want to be in the water and sailing by 8, so be here with plenty of time. We'll start sailing to MCYC ASAP, and will anchor the boats in lines off the club once we arrive, then ferry the kids in by motorboat.

It should be another mild day tomorrow, but the sun is still strong so bring plenty of water for a long day and sunscreen. Once racing is over, we'll pack the boats on the trailer for Monday's Interclub for those trailering. The Advanced Opti group will be sailing to NBYC Monday morning, and we may sail the B group or some of the B group as well (depending on numbers--stay tuned for more details).

Thanks, and good luck girls!


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