Big Upcoming Events!

>> Thursday, July 30, 2009

Lots of things happening over the next couple of days: Our Laser boys are headed north to compete in the annual Hyannis Regatta this weekend. You can follow their progress at the Hyannis Regatta website. Many of our Opti families are getting ready for the Optimist New England Championships in Newport August 4-6. You can get info, results, and photos of the event at the Opti New Englands website, and daily video updates, interviews, and coverage at the Sailgroove website. And locally, the E-Scow Easterns will be hosted by MYC and BHYC Aug 4-6. Some of our coaches will be taking a few days off to compete, and there will be lots of activity around the club. For more check out the E-Scow Easterns site.


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