July 1st Update

>> Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Our luck with the weather has quickly ended as a thunderstorm looms to the south. What a great time to get some critical info to the entire program!

There is NO PROGRAM FRIDAY July 3rd for the holiday weekend and to make room for the traditional BHYC Watersports Day.

Advanced Optis will be starting at 9am instead of 9:30; Ian and Austen thought there was not enough time to get a workout in and a meaningful practice before lunch. They will finish program at 3:30.

There is an Opti Clinic for Girls at MCYC the day before the Powder Puff Regatta run by GSOT, and Danielle Soriano will be heading that up. It costs $75. Since our boys will be at Ironman, we have an opportunity for a girls clinic of our own without the additional cost... But it also may be good to get them racing against their competition a day early. I'd love some feedback as we try and chart our course for next week...

Reminder: It may not be clear in the literature we've handed out so far, so I want to remind parents that when your child is traveling to away regattas, it is important they have an adult that is responsible for them while they are there. The coaches are there to coach, and cannot be responsible for all the kids while traveling.

As the No Tears Regatta Registration forms are not online, we've made copies which are available at both the Merrick office and the Jr Sailing office at the main club.


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