E Scow Sailing

>> Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Our B Opti sailors got a huge treat today, and got to sail on an E-Scow for the afternoon! Much thanks to Russ Lucas for letting us use his boat and to Dick Wight for driving.



>> Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Our 420s have been working hard to improve their boathandling and crew work. Rudderless sailing is a difficult skill to master, but our sailors had it down pretty good after only one day of practice. It promotes smoother and more efficient movements and teaches our sailors how to make minor adjustments without creating more drag in constant rudder use. Here's a video of Xander and Emily S. killing a rudderless tack...


Big Upcoming Events!

>> Thursday, July 30, 2009

Lots of things happening over the next couple of days: Our Laser boys are headed north to compete in the annual Hyannis Regatta this weekend. You can follow their progress at the Hyannis Regatta website. Many of our Opti families are getting ready for the Optimist New England Championships in Newport August 4-6. You can get info, results, and photos of the event at the Opti New Englands website, and daily video updates, interviews, and coverage at the Sailgroove website. And locally, the E-Scow Easterns will be hosted by MYC and BHYC Aug 4-6. Some of our coaches will be taking a few days off to compete, and there will be lots of activity around the club. For more check out the E-Scow Easterns site.


BHYC Sweeps LYC Team Race Regatta!

Our optis won the Barclay Cup a few weeks ago, and now our older sailors are flexing their team race muscles. The 420 group had a clean sweep of the competition, going undefeated (8-0) in winning the title. In a number of races they were forced to come from behind, but were able to use their boat speed and teamwork to come out on top each time. Our Lasers, despite a single loss, won the head-to-head tie-breaker with IHYC to win the title.


LYC Opti Regatta Results

>> Tuesday, July 28, 2009

BHYC had another fantastic regatta at the LYC regatta! You can view results here. Good luck to our Lasers and 420s competing at LYC for the Team Race titles!

The LYC opti regatta was also the final greenie regatta for some of our opti sailors, and to commemorate their move to White Fleet, we took this album cover photo of them and their boats. Congrats!


Junior Olympic Results

>> Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Bay Head YC junior sailors had another strong showing at the Junior Olympic Festival at IHYC. You can view the results here.


BHYC Wins Barclay Cup!

>> Monday, July 20, 2009

Congratulations to both teams of opti sailors that traveled to LEHYC for the Barclay Cup last Friday. This prestigious team racing event is meant “To promote club loyalty and encourage sailing among young sailors,” and has been competed for each year since 1928. Bay Head YC and SSYC went at it for the second year in a row, dominating the field in the early rounds. Our two BHYC teams met in the semis, as did both SSYC teams on the other side of the bracket. The team of Will Johnson, Carolyn Corbet, and EE Mignon (in blue) won the championship, and the team of Taylor Gavula, Katie Westrum and Field Dougherty (in gold) won the race for 3rd place. Congratulations to all of our sailors and their coach Austen Anderson who represented Bay Head so well!


Next Week

>> Friday, July 17, 2009

Next week is a big week of racing for our Juniors sailors: The Mid-Atlantic Junior Olympic Festival at IHYC on Monday and Tuesday, Midget Eliminations here at BHYC on Wednesday, and The Lavallette Interclub on Friday. Most logistics have been worked out via email, but if there are any questions please email John at the Merrick office.

Some more good photos online from yesterday, be sure to check them out!


Photos Online

>> Tuesday, July 14, 2009

You can view photos of your junior sailor at the BHYC Jr Sailing Flickr site. You can always access this site in the above "Photo" link. Enjoy!


Tomorrow's Powder Puff

>> Thursday, July 9, 2009

Girls heading to the Powder Puff tomorrow should plan on being at the club, rigged and ready, by 8am sharp! We want to be in the water and sailing by 8, so be here with plenty of time. We'll start sailing to MCYC ASAP, and will anchor the boats in lines off the club once we arrive, then ferry the kids in by motorboat.

It should be another mild day tomorrow, but the sun is still strong so bring plenty of water for a long day and sunscreen. Once racing is over, we'll pack the boats on the trailer for Monday's Interclub for those trailering. The Advanced Opti group will be sailing to NBYC Monday morning, and we may sail the B group or some of the B group as well (depending on numbers--stay tuned for more details).

Thanks, and good luck girls!


Laser team up in Newport

Good luck to our Laser team traveling to Newport for the weekend! You can follow their progress and check results at this website.


Junior Olympics Registration

>> Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Just got word that registration in the opti gold fleet at JO's is over 50 already! If you have not registered yet, do so ASAP. Registration is online, and can be reached here: http://www.regattanetwork.com/clubs/ihyc-jo.html. You can also download the NOR and other forms at that site. If you are not sure what fleet to register in, or in 420s who they are sailing with, check with your child's coach. But please do register so your child does not miss out on this great local event.


South Jersey Champs @ Brigantine

>> Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The SJ Opti Championships will be held July 14th at Brigantine YC, not too far from Atlantic City. Its a long way to go for a 1-day regatta, but if you are interested please let John know via email so we can plan accordingly. The NOR and registration form can be downloaded here. Pre-registration is recommended, as it is capped at 60 boats. We will not be sending a big club trailer down, and would need to have at least five kids go down to send a coach.


Upcoming Event Planning

We've got a busy few weeks coming up--hopefully we'll get some good weather to match!

Upcoming this week we have the Ironman Regatta (boys only) at Shore Acres YC on Thursday and the Powder Puff Regatta at MCYC on Friday. We also have the NBYC Interclub on Monday the 13th. Remember, all regatta forms and NORs can be found online at the bbyra calendar (http://www.bbyra.org/jrJuly2009.shtml). The following info will also be on the BHYC Juniors Blog (http://bhycjuniors.blogspot.com/).

Registration 8 - 9:30, skipper's meeting 9:30. Be at SAYC, rigged and ready, by 9:15.
We'll be trailering to this regatta--remember, it is your responsibility to get your child's boat to the regatta and back. We have a large club trailer (20 boats) and a smaller 3-boat trailer available. If you can get your child's boat to SAYC on your own (cartop, private trailer, etc) please do so. If you need a spot on a club trailer, please email me to reserve one.

Intermediates sailors: We'll be loading their boats at the end of program Wednesday, and the club will drive the trailer to SAYC Thursday morning. The regatta will be an All-Day event, and may end as late as 5pm. Opti A & B: The big trailer will be on the other side of the footbridge near the hoist. If you need to get on the trailer, be sure to email me to reserve a spot. We'll load up at the end of the day tomorrow.

Check-In 8-9:15, Skipper's Meeting at 9:30. Be at BHYC, rigged and ready to sail, at 8:00.
We'll be sailing over to this regatta, and back, so this will be a long day and may end as late a 5:30pm.

Intermediates: This is an ALL-DAY event, so please plan accordingly.

Skipper's meeting 11:30. Be at NBYC rigged and ready by 10:30am. BRING a LUNCH!
The 1st Up-Bay Interclub will be hosted by Normandy Beach YC on Monday the 13th. Registration is free, and you can sign up there day-of. If you are using a club trailer, be at BHYC at 8am to help load and tie-down. The trailer will travel down at 9:30--you will then need to get your kids to NBYC. You may get set up on the trailer over the weekend if this is difficult. As always, If you plan on using a club trailer spot for this regatta, email me to reserve a spot. If you are getting your boat there yourself, Please be at NBYC, rigged and ready, by 10:30.

On Saturday the 11th our juniors have the opportunity to sail and A-Cat in a bay race. I need to get a head count of those interested, so please let me know if your child is planning on attending. They should be at the flag pole at MYC at 8:15am on Saturday with their life jacket. This is a morning race, and they should be done by mid-day.

LEUKEMIA CUP Friday 17th
At Beachwood YC next Friday the 17th... More info to come

BARCLAY CUP Friday 17th
The Barclay Cup, a team race regatta at LEHYC, will be held next Friday the 17th. Two teams of three from our advanced opti group will head down for this great regatta. More info to come later in the week...

Junior Olympics Festival at IHYC July 20-21
If you are planning on attending and have not registered, DO IT! Your child must be a member of US Sailing to participate, so get that done online at ussailing.org.

New England Championships in Newport, RI August 3-5
Bill Johnson is organizing the group heading up to RI. If you have not been getting his emails, please email him at bill.gjesq@verizon.net to get on the list.

Any questions, please let me know or stop by at the Merrick Center. Thanks!


Opti New Englands

The New England Chamionships up in Newport, RI are less than a month away! Bill Johnson is organizing Bay Head's group, and expects around 21 sailors to participate. If you and your child are planning on going and have not been receiving emails from him regarding the NEs, contact him at bill.gjesq@verizon.net and he will add your email to the list.

For more info on the New Englands, follow the link to the NOR.


Rainy Day Inside Fun

>> Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The 420 group plays some knee ball to wait out a thunderstorm this morning. After some chalk talks and push ups, it was a welcome release of energy!


July 1st Update

Our luck with the weather has quickly ended as a thunderstorm looms to the south. What a great time to get some critical info to the entire program!

There is NO PROGRAM FRIDAY July 3rd for the holiday weekend and to make room for the traditional BHYC Watersports Day.

Advanced Optis will be starting at 9am instead of 9:30; Ian and Austen thought there was not enough time to get a workout in and a meaningful practice before lunch. They will finish program at 3:30.

There is an Opti Clinic for Girls at MCYC the day before the Powder Puff Regatta run by GSOT, and Danielle Soriano will be heading that up. It costs $75. Since our boys will be at Ironman, we have an opportunity for a girls clinic of our own without the additional cost... But it also may be good to get them racing against their competition a day early. I'd love some feedback as we try and chart our course for next week...

Reminder: It may not be clear in the literature we've handed out so far, so I want to remind parents that when your child is traveling to away regattas, it is important they have an adult that is responsible for them while they are there. The coaches are there to coach, and cannot be responsible for all the kids while traveling.

As the No Tears Regatta Registration forms are not online, we've made copies which are available at both the Merrick office and the Jr Sailing office at the main club.


New Flip Video Camera!

>> Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Program has just acquired a new flip video camera! We'll be using it to document the program and as a coaching tool to improve our sailors' performance. Here's a quick video of the advanced opti group's reflections after a windy day of practice...


Kickoff BBQ Tonight!

THe BBQ picnic will be at 5pm at the Merrick Center. There has been a bit of confusion with the times, as the club's calendar on the website states a 6pm start, but a member-wide email has it starting at 5pm. Hope to see you all there!


First Day!

>> Monday, June 29, 2009

What a gorgeous day we had for the start of program! Steady westerlies and plenty of sunshine set the tone for a fantastic summer.

Some reminders:

Register your kids as early as possible for some critical regattas--Girls should register for the Powder Puff on July 10th ASAP, as should the guys for the Ironman a day earlier. Both fill up quickly, so lets got on top of registration.

Greenies should register for TRYC's No Tears Regatta and the Rookie Regatta as soon as possible. These are capped events, and fill up fast even though they take place towards the end of the summer.

If you have any questions about these regattas or any others, please let me know. If you are not sure which regattas to register for, you can contact me or ask your child's coach if they should be registered. You can access the BBYRA Calendar, which has all of the regattas and their forms, at the above link.

Be sure to attend the BHYC Jr. Sailing and Jr. Tennis BBQ tomorrow, Tuesday the 30th at 5pm.

If you have any other questions or concerns about the program and your child's participation in it, please do not hesitate to ask me. I can be reaches at bhycjrsailing@gmail.com or come down to the club for a visit.

John Petrillo


What Time Does Program Start?

>> Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Basin Bandits: Tuesdays and Thursdays 1pm - 3pm

Greenies: Monday to Friday mornings 8:30 - 11:45

Intermediates: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings 8:30 - 11:45 AND Wednesdays all day 8:30 to 3pm.

Skills & Thrills: Monday - Thursday afternoons 1 - 4

Opti B: Monday - Thursday 8:30 - 3, Friday 8:30 - 12

Advanced Opti: Monday - Friday 9 - 4

420s and Lasers: Monday - Friday 9:30 - 4


2009 Coaching Staff

>> Thursday, June 18, 2009

We've got a talented group of coaches for the 2009 season, and we can't wait to get started!

Returning from last summer are Katie Wight and Marty Masterson, who will be working with the B Optis, Meredith McCoid and Stephanie Seggel with the Intermediate Optis, Caroline Patten will be coaching our 420's and Royce Weber returns as our Laser coach.

We also have a lot of new faces coming to town...

Austen Anderson, of Northport, NY, will be working with our advanced optis. He just completed his freshman year at HWS where he is a member of the varsity sailing team. He is an accomplished opti sailor, having won the 2004 Team Trials and Nationals, 2nd at North Americans, and 20th at Worlds. He has competed in 420s, 29ers, V15s, and is currently working on a 49er campaign.

Ian Donahue will also be an advanced opti coach. He grew up sailing on LBI and has 3 years of coaching experience, most recently at BBYC. He just completed his freshman year at BC where he competes on the varsity sailing team. His opti resume is also very impressive: 3 top 20 finished at nationals (3rd in 2003), 2003 NA team member, and 2004 New England Champion.

Colleen Kelly will be our new Greenie Director. She grew up sailing at MCYC, and is very active in the E-scow fleet. She sailed on the varsity team at Washington College, and in earning her graduate degree in nursing at U. of Maryland. She has years of coaching experience, and was the co-head coach at LYC last summer.

Ashley Brown and Rebecca Conti will be working with Colleen as greenie coaches. Ashley is from Wall Township, and is a competitive swimmer at Wall HS. She grew us sailing at MRYC and enjoys racing M-scows and 420s. Rebecca is from Montclair and Matoloking, and is a freshman at UVA's School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. She competes on the sailing team and also the equestrian team at UVA, and grew up sailing at MYC.

Holly Huffine joins us from Jamestown, RI, and grew up sailing out of Conanicut YC, where she has also coached for the last 2 summers. She is a sophomore at HWS and is a member of their varsity sailing team. She'll be working with our B-optis this summer.

Matt Schon grew up sailing at MCYC, and is a very competitive Lightning sailor. He just completed his sophomore year at Salve Regina U. in Newport, RI, where he is a member of the varsity sailing team. His impressive results include 4th at 420 Nationals and 3rd in Lightning Jr. Worlds.

We're all excited to get out on the water and have a great summer!


Junior Handbook

>> Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Junior Sailing Handbook--learn it, love it, live it!

Make sure you and your child(ren) are familiar with the Junior Sailing Handbook before program starts!

You'll find tons of useful information there, including:

  • Mission Statement
  • Guidelines
  • Rules
  • Code of Conduct
  • Procedures
  • Daily Preparation
  • Expectations
  • Parent Responsibilities
  • Volunteering Information
The link to the Junior Handbook requires you to sign into your BHYC webpage account.


Parent F.A.Q.s

Answers to some Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What about private instruction?

Private instruction is available by the BHYC junior sailing staff (while they are OFF club hours) as well as by experienced junior sailors who are club members. Private instruction is available to all sailors and is to be arranged between the parent/grandparent and the instructor. Instructors available for “privates” will be posted in the Merrick Center. Payment is to be arranged between parent/grandparent and instructor. A fee may NOT be charged to your account. Club owned boats may be used for private instruction based on availability and the advance approval of the Director of Junior Sailing. The junior sailing committee is not responsible for arranging private instruction.

2. What if my sailor’s boat is damaged during instruction/practice?
The BHYC practices the 50/50 NO FAULT rule. This means the sailors involved are equally responsible for payment of the damage incurred regardless of fault. All damages are to be reported immediately by the sailors to the instructor and the Director of Junior Sailing. Parents will be notified by the instructor.

3. What do I do if I have a billing discrepancy?
Please contact the club office with all billing discrepancies. The Jr. Sailing Chairmen are not responsible for billing matters.

4. Can my sailor participate in off site regattas if he/she is not enrolled in the program for the session in which the regatta takes place?
The sailor may not participate with the BHYC “team” unless he/she is enrolled in the program. However, all regattas on Barnegat Bay are open to the public if properly registered. Transportation of the boat and child as well as supervision/coaching is the responsibility of the parent.

5. What should my child bring each day?
Please send proper footwear, water bottle(s), lifejacket (with whistle), sneakers for the advanced sailors and a lunch, if necessary. Please make sure that they are wearing sunscreen and have more to reapply. If they are attending a regatta, please send a change of clothes, MORE THAN ONE WATER and some healthy snacks.

6. Can program fees be prorated? Can boat user fees be prorated?
No. If you cannot make the whole month program, you may participate for the amount of time that you are able, but you will be charged the entire session fee. There will be NO prorating of session fees or boat user fees.

7. Communication/Calendar:
We are communicating primarily through email and this blog. If you have questions, first speak to your child’s Coach, then John Petrillo. The Junior Sailing Chairmen and the sailing committee are not going to be able to answer your questions regarding day to day plans. Please see the Jr. Sailing page on the BHYC website for the most up to date calendar. Within the calendar, you can access information regarding regattas, including most registration forms. The BBYRA website calendar is another good resource for the summer's regatta schedule, information, and registration.

8. Regatta Registrations:
YOU are responsible to complete and submit any registrations for regattas for your sailor. You may access most forms through our website in the calendar section or the BBYRA's website and calendar. If you are unsure whether your sailor is going to participate, please check with the coach or review the list of recommended regattas in the registration packet. Please be cognizant of the deadlines. Many of the regatta registrations close with a maximum amount of boats, SO THE EARLIER THE BETTER.

9. Club Boat Use for Optimists and 420s:
OPTIMIST sailors may use a club boat ONLY for their first summer (or month if they only come for part of the summer). This is intended for their Greenie summer only. After that, they must own their own optimist.

420 Sailors: We recommend that 420 sailors (both racing and recreational) own their own boat (or share the cost with the crew), especially after their first summer.

The club owns a number of optimists and some 420’s for the members’ use throughout the summer. These boats are not for the sole use of any one sailor, but are to be equally shared by sailors that are in need that particular summer and a Boat User Agreement must be signed and the respective fee paid.

10. Lunch Hour
Please note that the coaches are not responsible for the children during the lunch hour or after program hours. Please remind the children to clean up after themselves either at the snack bar or at the Merrick Center


Barnegat Bay 49er Team

>> Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Support local Olympic hopefuls Peeter Must of Toms River and Carl Horrocks of Lavallette in their quest to qualify for the London 2012 Olympics! Follow their race results as they travel and compete throughout Europe this summer. Check out their website at http://www.barnegatbay49er.com. Good luck guys!



>> Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Welcome to the brand spanking new blog for the BHYC Junior Sailing Program! Check back here for info on the upcoming season. Once program starts, this site will be regularly updated with news, results, and helpful information. It will also provide an online arena to post comments and swap ideas.


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